The CAREER EXPLORATION PROGRAM will give you the opportunity to spend 7 days in Washington, D.C. EXPLORING different CAREERS, INDUSTRIES, meeting successful PROFESSIONALS and self-reflecting about WHAT YOU CAN BECOME. This is not a summer camp, this is a CAREER EXPLORATION PROGRAM designed with one focus in mind, to INSPIRE YOU! ✌🏻 -
Out of stockTravel with a purpose while meet successful professionals from ground-breaking companies that are changing the way things used to be. Learn new skills, explore professional careers and unlock your passion. Experience in-person visits to prestigious universities and gain a full perspective of this city’s professional and academic atmosphere.
Out of stockBe intentional about your future and explore one of the world’s leading emerging economies by getting a deep career immersion into the business ecosystem of the United Arab Emirates. Meet with inspiring professionals, discover the university experience, learn how Fly Emirates became one of the most prestigious airlines worldwide or visit one of the most ambitious sustainable developments in history about clean energy.